Frequently Asked questions

Where is Hello Baby Studios located?

Our Commercial Studio is located in Mid-McAllen near Downtown. Our address is 205 N. 16th St. McAllen

Do you offer on location sessions?

Sessions are primarily held in Studio. I do offer the occasional on-location session, but they are limited in availability and may include a travel fee.

Do you shoot with natural light or studio lights (flash)?

I utilize both natural light and professional-grade lighting in the studio.

Will studio lighting bother my newborn baby?

Not at all. My studio lights are diffused so that the light from them is very soft, exactly like daytime natural light coming through white curtains. Your newborn is likely sleeping and posed in an angle that the light feathers over him/her, rather than blinding them.

How should I choose a newborn photographer?

I highly recommend considering the Style, Quality of images and the experience of the photographer in newborn handling and posing. While many choose a photographer based solely on price, typically the least expensive photographer is also probably the least experienced. I invite you to Read here about why you should choose Hello Baby Studios. 

When should I schedule my session?

Maternity Sessions: when you are 28 – 36 weeks.
Newborn Sessions: Reserve in your 2nd or 3rd trimester. Sessions are held when baby is 7-21 days old. I also work with older newborns up to 3 months old.
Baby Sessions: Tummy Time (4-6 Months) Sitters (7-10 Months)
One Year Sessions: 11-12 Months Old

What if my newborn is older than three weeks? 

It’s not too late to get newborn photos! Newborns that are 3-6 weeks old are still welcome to be photographed. However, know that the older the baby is, the less likely she will look or pose like a newborn. However, I will still get sweet images from the photo session.  That’s what is important!

do you photograph newborns naked?

Most newborns do not prefer to be naked, and I like to ensure that baby is happy and content during their session so I typically approach the session based on baby’s leading. I will use different techniques based on your individual baby’s preferences - I will either wrap or lightly swaddle baby so they feel warm and cozy. I also dress baby in neutral onesies or knit outfits if they are content with it and pose them very naturally.

What should I do if my baby is sick?

Sick babies and photo sessions do not mix well. I want you to love your images so please reschedule! One re-schedule is permitted per session and your non-refundable retainer will transfer. Please be considerate and notify me of any changes to the date or time of the session no later than 24-48 hours prior to the session date.

How long will my session last?

Maternity Sessions last 45-60 Minutes. Newborn Sessions typically last 1.5-2 hours. Baby Milestone Sessions last 45-60 minutes.

Do you offer Family Sessions?

Yes, I offer Studio Family Sessions year round. Outdoor Family Sessions are only available in during specific times of the year and are offered as Limited Edition Sessions.  

Why are your digital images so expensive?

The price of digital images takes into account my time, photography and post-processing skills, use of professional grade equipment, experience and talent. With digital images, you have complete control over what happens with that image and the option to print what you want and when you want. You also have the freedom to share your images online. There is a high value in digital medium and because of that, they come at a premium price.